SenzMatica AIoT Platform

Is an end-to-end integrated platform

Empowers you to seamlessly connect billions of IoT devices and efficiently route trillions of AI possibilities, enhancing scalability and unleashing boundless potential.




Device Pluse.AI

Elevate your IoT device diagnosis
automation with our AI-Powered Assistant.

SenzMatica Platform Architecture

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SenzMate's Products Trusted By Big Company

Device Pulse.AI

Introducing a powerful, context-aware AI assistant designed for post-deployment bulk IoT device maintenance. To detect, diagnose and resolve issues efficiently.

Connect Through Any IoT Platform

Comprehensive Monitoring and Testing

Accelerated Troubleshooting

DevicePulse AI seamlessly integrates with any IoT platform, including Azure IoT Hub, AWS IoT, SenzMatica, and more. It also supports data connectivity via REST API, ensuring continuous data monitoring to observe changes in real-time.

Device Pulse AI

IoT Kits

Revolutionize Your Business with Our Industry-Specific IoT Kits


IoT Kits

Revolutionize Your Business with Our Industry-Specific IoT Kits

IoT Kits assist you connect devices with visual and sensor input streams, capture data via wireless networks and provide intelligence to the edge while securely upgrading insights to the cloud for further processing.

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Sensors of IoT Kits

Connect with sensor and visual inputs

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IoT Data Processing

Process the raw input and identify the real world facts

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Power consumption

Power estimation in multi-socket systems

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Sensor calibration

High performing Remote calibrations to keep data accurate

IoT Core

Innovate Faster with Our Modular
and Customizable IoT Core


SenzMatica IoT core focuses on every key component to manage AIoT applications with capabilities to manage millions of connected devices with a high-load, scalable architecture to derive insights from securely stored Big Data through AI, ML, and Deep Learning.

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User management

Dynamic access control features based on user roles.

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Load Balancer

Manage and control millions of connected smart devices simultaneously.

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Remote configuration

Connect and setup your widely dispersed IoT devices remotely.

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Data protection

Security-enhanced environment for sending and receiving data from IoT devices.


AI Core

Get smart insights from the IoT data with AI


AI Core processes the sensor and visual data inputs from the deployed IoT Kits and visualises the data to deliver vital real-time information for customers to uncover new opportunities. Data generated from IoT kits can be analysed using machine learning and data analytics to find patterns to extract insights.

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IoT Data Pipeline

End to End Pipeline for Machine Learning process of real time IoT Data

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Defect detection

Auto defect detection capability in images and videos

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Auto quality testing

Automated quality testing on a huge number of manufactured IoT kits

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Quick IoT ML platform

Easy-to-use web-based ML platform for IoT


Feature Comparison Matrix

IoT Kits

Connecting with sensor inputs

Computer vision based inputs

Processing the sensor raw input to identify the real world facts

Analyzing the visual raw data to discover the real world insights

Communicating with other Edges in the RF wireless network

Interacting with other Edges in the LoRa wireless network

Power optimization in the Edge

Advanced Security mechanisms in the Edge

Building Intelligence in the Edge

Communicating with cloud servers via 2G,3G, WiFi

Cloud communicating via 4G, NBioT

Basic Firmware Libraries

Premium Firware Libraries

Integration with Over the air update

Customized Circuit and PCB Design

Device Manufacturing Processes

Remote Calibration module

Getting Certification

Community Edition
Premium Edition

IoT Core

Manage and control millions of connected smart devices simultaneously

Dynamic access control features based on user roles

Transfer data between servers and devices via HTTP

Data transfers between various IoT devices and servers using MQTT protocols

Real-time data processing, basic analytics for optimization.

Real-time failure prediction using deep analytics

Remote configuration settings on connected devices

Over-the-air update deployment

Real time sensor data streaming on IoT data

Visual data streaming in real time on IoT data

Bulk Data analytic framework

Basic Security for sending and receiving data from IoT devices

AES Encryption, SSL intregrated security-enhanced enviornment for data protection

Community Edition
Premium Edition

AI Core

Auto ML module to build models without any coding

Auto computer vision feature detection

Pinpoints sensor or Edge device defects with root cause analysis.

Predict trends using ML and Deep Learning in time series.

Processing visual data to generate insights

Annotation tool for easy annotation

Automated Quality control system for embedded devices

Visual Data based Deep Learning approaches

Community Edition
Premium Edition