Transforming Finance with AI

Getting your Finance transformation off the ground, using data and analytics effectively.

Automatic credit scoring

(5.0)Automatic credit scoring

Automatic credit scoring is the process of using statistical models and algorithms to assess the creditworthiness of individuals or businesses applying for credit. Credit scoring is a crucial component of the lending and financial industry, as it helps lenders make informed decisions about whether to approve or deny credit applications and what terms (such as interest rates) to offer to borrowers.

Key Features

  • 1
    Extract and process information from customers' bank statements in PDF format
  • 2
    Extract data from both Text and image
  • 3
    Offline Functionality for improve security
  • 4
    Giving a final credit score based on the performance of bank statements
Automatic credit scoring


  • 1
    Unbiased data entry
  • 2
    Data driven decision making
  • 3
    Operational cost reduction

Technologies Used

JavaSpring bootOpen AIKerasSea bornNumpyReact nativeHugging faceReact

Automatic Life Insurance Claiming with OCR

(5.0)Automatic Life Insurance Claiming with OCR

Insurance companies are encountering difficulties in extracting and processing information from their customers' medical bills. The current manual process is time-consuming, error-prone, and causing delays in customer service, along with increased operational costs. Especially, they face a specific challenge where the bills from one customer is totally different from another customer.

Key Features

  • 1
    Extract key value pairs and table values from documents
  • 2
    Support PDF, TIFF inputs
  • 3
    Process local folders and SFTP folders
  • 4
    Fully offline
Automatic Life Insurance Claiming with OCR


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
    Operational Cost Reduction
  • 4
    Offline functionality

Technologies Used

JavaOpen AISpring bootSea bornKerasNumpy React nativePadasHugging FaceReact

Computer vision based Damage claim valuation

(5.0)Computer vision based Damage claim valuation

An emerging technology that uses computer vision, machine learning, and image analysis techniques to assess and estimate the extent of damage to vehicles, properties, or other assets for insurance claims in an automated way.

Key Features

  • 1
    Fast image processing
  • 2
    Automated Inspection
Computer vision based Damage claim valuation


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
    Cost - effectiveness

Technologies Used


Automated Customer engagement Chatbot using private commercial LLM

(5.0)Automated Customer engagement Chatbot  using private commercial LLM

A smart chatbot that talks with customers and helps with placing orders using advanced technology. SenzMate has upgraded the chatbot by using powerful language models like Llama2-7B, replacing the old ones. The chatbot is now deployed on the client's server, making it easy to use and accessible for both the company's team and customers.

Key Features

  • 1
    More intelligent and natural conversation with customers
  • 2
    Enhanced customer experience
Automated Customer engagement Chatbot  using private commercial LLM


  • 1
    Improved customer service
  • 2
    Improved Efficiency and usability

Technologies Used

Meta AIHugging Facestabitiy.aiJavaSpringBootReact